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Blueprint strategically creates market for Invesque's exit of its Royal Senior Care joint venture portfolio, ultimately crafting an idealized sum of the parts outcome that included the sale of two communities and operational transition of another four assets
Blueprint successfully advised Invesque on the exit from its Royal Senior Care joint venture portfolio. The portfolio consisted of six assets in three states, spanning disparate vintages, cash flow profiles, and market types.

Blueprint worked to maximize optionality by pursuing portfolio offers to leverage the combined scale and diversification of the asset pool, and by targeting buyers best suited to maximize value on an individual state basis.

Thorough canvassing of the market allowed Invesque and Royal Senior Care to evaluate a variety of options and arrive at a mutually agreeable transaction structure and price.

The ultimate transaction structure included the sale of one Florida community to a third-party buyer, the sale of one Georgia community to Royal Senior Care, and the transition of four South Carolina communities to an existing portfolio partner relationship with a deep presence in the state.

The win-win scenario achieved the respective strategic objectives of both Invesque and Royal Senior Care.

All three transactions closed in May 2020 with minimal delay from the pandemic.

A Royal Enagement

Portfolio exit of six seniors housing communities across three states

Alex Florea

Brooks Blackmon

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